Everything You Need to Know You Can Learn in Kindergarten!

Come join our class of kindergarteners as we learn to work together, grow into voracious readers, become authors of our own original stories, and feed our natural curiosity about the world by developing as scientists.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our Home Grown Chicks

Last Thursday was open house and we had timed our incubating eggs just perfectly. They began hatching during class that day. We watched the first little girl emerge from her egg all wet and tired. We left her in the incubator to dry and when we returned for open house at 5, she had 3 friends. The next morning there were 7. We moved the dry chicks to a cage with a heat lamp, food, and water. By the time I took them home on Friday to babysit for the weekend, we had 11. They are so cute! My children named every last one- the yellow one above is named Omelet. We shared our chicks with the rest of the school- everyone had a chance to admire their cuteness- and then I took them back to J&S West today. Boo Hoo! What a great lesson!
The first chick to hatch

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